Pine Knot Projects
custom consulting for local economies
We help good things get started
Pine Knot Projects works with place-based organizations to build community, forge stronger partnerships, and grow their impact.
Visioning & Facilitation
Great organizations are inspired ways of enlivening people. Pine Knot Projects provides group facilitation, strategic planning, and consulting services to help build structures that elevate the boldest visions of your community.
Story Telling
You know your story better than anyone. Through active and engaged listening, we help you tell it in clear and compelling ways to partners, funders, supporters, news outlets, and — sometimes most importantly — yourselves.
Creative Projects & Capacity Building
Vision and story unite in grounded initiatives. We help you build the partnerships, activate the resources, and initiate the programs that expand a community’s sense of the possible.
Focus Areas
Arts & Community
Arts, organizing, and collective action enliven our communities and expand our sense of agency. We assist with mission/vision crafting, event organizing, and fund development.
Sample clients include:
- Virginia Street Arts Festival
- Wayne Theatre Performing Arts Center
- Redwing Roots Academy
Food, Farms, and Local Economies
Whether crafting horizontal organizing structures to sustain volunteer governance or writing that grant to expand cheesemaking capacity, Pine Knot Projects assists those bringing human scale and greater justice to local economies.
Current & past clients include:
- Project GROWS
- Staunton Makerspace
- Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance
- The JustPax Fund for gender, environmental, and economic justice.
Transportation & Alternative Energy
From bicycles to solar panels, we assist clients who are bringing joy, sunshine, and freedom of movement to a lower-carbon economy.
Sample clients include:
- Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition
- Secure Futures